Marketing Strategy and Planning
We understand the specific needs of people involved in construction, because for 15 years we have been working with the largest manufacturers of construction and DIY products.
Combining our 7 year experience as a full service advertising agency for Henkel Adhesives (Ceresit, Moment, Thomsit) with all our work for other big companies, we have developed and understanding for the market in the construction and DIY products segment.

Creative and Production
Internationally recognized, our creative ideas have proven their efficiency and class. From whole campaigns to single ads, we have always exceeded expectations. Having the opportunity to develop all creative forms and projects in-house gives us control over whole process.
Premium Communication Channels
As a leader in the field, we have developed our own communication channels that have proven their effectiveness through the years. The TV Shows “Mission My Home” (construction and renovation) and “To Know How” (DIY), each with their specific fans, have given us the opportunity to build a trusty relationship with the target audience.
In addition to our Web Streaming Platforms ( and,we have developed several Social communities and forums,